"Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way."
This is a UK based charity which is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA argues that animals are capable of suffering therefore we are not permitted to use them for food, clothing, experimentation and entertainment purposes. PETA aim to educate 'policymakers' and the public about animal cruelty, they promote an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect. The charity promote their beliefs through the use of celebrity involvement's, protest campaigns and they also hold special events to educate the public on these concerning animal cruelty issues.
Animal rights
"Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. Many of us bought our beloved "pets" at pet shops, had guinea pigs and kept beautiful birds in cages. We wore wool and silk, ate McDonald's burgers and fished. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: why should animals have rights?"
The author Peter Singer states in his book 'Animal Liberation' that the basic principle of equality does not require equal or identical treatment - it requires equal consideration. This is an important distinction when talking about animal rights. It is questioned whether animals should in fact have their own rights, and PETA strongly believes that they should be able to live freely without suffering and being exploited.
"Supporters of animal rights believe that animals have an inherent worth – a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans. We believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering. Animal rights is not just a philosophy – it is a social movement that challenges society's traditional view that all non-human animals exist solely for human use. As PETA's managing director, Ingrid E. Newkirk has said, "When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. Each one values his or her life and fights the knife".
"The capacity for suffering is not just another characteristic like the capacity for language or higher mathematics. All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness and motherly love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account."
"Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect to have for ourselves. Whether it's based on race, gender, sexual orientation or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable. If you wouldn't eat a dog, why eat a pig? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner."
PETA strongly disagrees with the use of animals for any form of human pleasure when relating to cruelty, involving using the animals for entertainment purposes and leisure, such as fashion statements.
Source: http://www.peta.org.uk/issues/why%2Danimal%2Drights/
"Animals are not ours to eat" meat, dairy fish and eggs all come from animal sources, this is something PETA do not agree with, they refer to the result of us consumers buying and eating produce sourced from animals, as unimaginable suffering of many different animals; the livestock industry treats these animals as machines.
The animals suffering include; cows, chickens, ducks, geese, pigs and sheep, PETA are totally against animals being used as a source of food and there argument is extremely simple, do not eat them.
"Animals are not ours to wear" we do not have the rights to wear, and use animals skin for any fashion purposes, the charity is extremely against this, and their campaigns voicing these views can be seen as controversial and some may be offensive. "Animals are not ours to wear, walk on or carry our possessions in. Before animal skins reach store shelves, animals live a life of misery, pain, boredom and fear, and many are skinned alive."On fur farms, the animals that usually rome free such as foxes, minks, and chinchillas are kept in captivity. When being killed, the animals are often gassed, anally or genitally electrocuted or poisoned with strychnine or their necks are snapped, however it is possible that the animals sometimes wake up while the skin is being torn from their bodies because the methods are not effective. Leather is just as cruel as fur, in a year more than 1billion animals are slaughtered in the global leather industry, most commonly cows. Its not just leather and fur, there are also exotic animals that are suffering. The exotic skin industry takes the lives of millions of snakes, alligators, seals and zebras, and their skins are commonly seen on major fashion catwalks. Cat and dog skins are also traded in europe
"Animals our not ours to use for entertainment." Circus', zoo's and bullfighting, angling and horse racing are all forms of entertainment that is not fair on the animals. PETA strongly disagree with any form of animal entertainment, and they encourage us to try and petition against this and get all forms of sports/entertainment banned.
"Animals are not ours to experiment on.""An animal dies in a European laboratory every three seconds. In scientific experiments animals may legally be poisoned; deprived of food, water or sleep; subjected to skin or eye irritants; subjected to psychological distress; deliberately infected with diseases; subjected to brain damage; paralysed; surgically mutilated; irradiated; burned; gassed; force-fed; electrocuted; and killed. This happens to millions of animals every year."
Animal testing and experiments can cause pain to the animals and can also reduce their quality of life in other ways. Animal testing can be used for the purpose of medical testing and cosmetic.
"Animals are not ours to abuse in any way." Cruelty to companions, domestic animals also suffer, as they are thousands of animals being born, however there isn't always the sufficient recourses and homes available in order to care for all these animals, it is a privilege for an animal to be fortunate in a loving, caring home. However, it is not always beneficial when an animal is living domestically, the animal could suffer from their guardian as they may be deprived of the basic necessities they need and are entitled to, and also they may be deprived of the veterinary care they need.
PETA have done multiple celebrity campaigns supporting animal rights, some seen to be controversial and offensive. The majority include female celebrities, supporting the 'Id rather go naked than wear fur' campaign, however some are deemed to be slightly more serious, and not as innocent. PETA has become notorious for some of their offensive and shocking campaigns.
These two campaigns below show both Jessica-Jane Clement and Olivia Munn posing naked, along with what the audience will see as a 'cute' rabbit, it is designed to get the audience to really consider the animals that are at risk, and tries to make them feel overwhelmed with guilt.
PETA offensive campaigns
These campaigns have been branded the most offensive that PETA have ever revealed, many were also banned.
The catholic church was outraged by this poster.
This was banned in Montreal as it was branded sexist.
This wasn't banned, however it was shocking for part of their go vegetarian campaign, it strongly implies that women are classed as meat.
This was part of PETA's 'Holocaust on your plate' campaign and was banned by the high court of Germany.
This was for PETA's global campaign against KFC, they use the two dead bikini clad women to represent the chicks that KFC scald to death; this is a very passionate ad and really shows the depth that the charity go to, to express their views and opinions about animal cruelty.
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