Sunday 22 November 2015

Botanical Identification: Identifying the plants

In order to start the design process, Beth and I both decided to work separately then come back together at our next meeting, Beth focusing on the typographical elements and myself identifying the chosen plants and devising a colour scheme for each season.

Beths type analysis:

Beth analysed the typefaces Caslon and Didot, examining flourishes and elements of each letterform, making alterations to each letter identifying the most important aspects of each character. Beth and I discussed how she could apply certain flourishes to each of the letterforms, we decided that Beth is well on the way to creating the perfect type, however certain things such as the line weight need to be altered so the letters appear more feminine and elegant. 





From these I created some simple colour swatches that I could show beth, so we know the colour palette we will be working with, in order to influence certain design decisions later down the design process journey. 

Beth and I both discussed the colour swatches I had created in preparation for the refined layouts and we both agreed that it would be interesting to create layouts making the most of the negative space and how we could possibly apply elements of colour taken from the current season or plant. 

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Botanical Identification: Layout experimentation and content decisions

First of all, Beth created basic layout mock ups including the plant name and an example of the basic information we intend to include with the illustration. Using Beths layout templates of the text I have added the illustration of the plant over, and around the text. Colour is not necessary at this stage. 

Trying two different compositions I experimented with overlaying the image and text, and simply framing the text with the illustration, the structure of the specific plant itself will inform how the composition of the illustration will frame the type.  


We both decided this layout is the most successful as it directs the eye through the hierarchy of information without the overall layout becoming too cluttered. The composition of the illustration resembles the wisteria plant, allowing the illustration to play a significant role resulting in the need for unnecessary information.

We discussed how we could limit the content for the publication/app, in a way that would be useful to the reader and also in a more accessible and approachable format. We came to the decision that choosing five of the most popular/common wildflowers for each season of the month. This edition will be an 'introduction to..' meaning the wildflowers including must stay familiar and the information must be concise and specific. Some of the flowers we have selected;

-Red Campione
-Dog Rose

-Yellow Iris
-Martagon lilly

-Common Fern
-Sea Buckthorn
-Virginia Creeper
-Apple tree (Russet)

-Winter Heliotrope
-Sweet Violet
-Snow drops
-Winter Jasmine

Five wildflower plants will be selected for the final publication, we have listed a few more for each so that when I begin to draw the floral arrangements I can decide which illustrations work best, allowing me to rule a few out.