Wednesday 6 April 2016

Loved Buy SK - development & deliverables

Initial ideas

The client wanted a brand identity that is feminine and pretty, there is already a wide range of customers that use the client, some even male, but predominantly the client asked for feminine visuals that can also be used in monochrome colours.

Researching into existing beauty branding, most designs remain minimal but they allow the colour and type  speak for themselves. 

Focus on type is crucial for this identity as the client does not want a visual logo as such. 

By researching into feminine branding, serif typography and decorative elegant type is commonly used, elegance and feminine shapes will be most suited for this branding. Looking at serif type, hand rendered type was popular, hand rendered type would suit the identity that the client is after.

Logo design

Final rendered logo

Also for the thank you card a simple ‘with love Sarah x’ will be sufficient. The customers will appreciate a personalised thank you with their purchase, this gives the brand a unique point of selling. For the business card I have used the simple sans serif font Avenir for the body copy, information of the seller, and for the logo on the business card experimentation with foiling can be seen on the actual product but when printing in bulk the logo can be printed in black. A pastel pink colour has been used to keep the feminine, girly approach to the brand obvious.  


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