Friday 7 March 2014

Grid Systems

Grid Systems

In graphic design, a grid is a structure which is usually two-dimensional, and it is made up of a series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal, and angular) or curved guide lines used to structure a content. A grid system is a framework that is supposed to help the graphic designers in the logical and consistent organisation of information on a page. Graphic designers have started to build a rigid and coherent system for page layout. Grid systems are an established tool that is often used by print and web designers to create well structured and balanced designs.

They enable the graphic designer to organise whatever content they are working with consistently onto a page, using any combination of margins, guides, rows and columns. Grid systems are commonly seen in newspaper and magazine layouts with columns of text and images. Grids can also be used across an entire project so that the structure is consistent throughout. The gird will not be noticed once the finished product has been printed, but before print, it enables a consistent design to be produced. When starting a project, using a grid system will help position the elements of your design on a page.

Types of grids:

Rule of thirds
There are several types of grid systems a designer can use. The simplest method is to use the rule of thirds. This consists of dividing a page into thirds with two equally spaced vertical/horizontal lines so that the important compositional elements can be placed along these lines or intersections. This is commonly used in photography. 

Golden ratio
The golden ratio is another popular method (approximately 1.618) for proportioning. The ratio has been studied by mathematicians. It has been used for centuries by architects, artists and book designers for its aesthetically pleasing qualities. 

Baseline grid
A baseline grid is commonly used in publications such as newspapers and magazines, the page is divided into several equal sized columns. This consists of a set of horizontal lines on a page, the baseline of all type sits on this. 

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