Sunday 16 March 2014

OUGD406 (Studio Brief 4) Final poster

I have developed my poster further and now I am happy with the design which I can go ahead to screen print. The colour choice is simple, I will print on to a cream stock, using black ink and the blue/lilac colour seen on the digital version. 
For the final, I have added a black border, because I have taken into consideration when it will be printed on to cream stock the shapes will not be defined enough. I will print this design in positives, so I can expose the design on to a screen ready to print. 
I am happy with the final poster as I feel I have answered the brief, and have stuck to my own ideas of keeping it minimal. 

First of all, before I printed on to the stock, I did a few test prints onto plain white paper to check whether the design printed successfully. 
This is the test print onto plain paper. The design printed very well so I was happy to proceed and print it onto the correct stock. 

This is my final screen printed alternative move poster. I am happy with the final print overall. 

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