Sunday 9 February 2014

OUGD406 (Studio Breif 1) Design Development

Design development for final idea

Now I have decided to create my final cover embroidered on the machine, I need to experiment with stitching techniques. I have sketched out the final image of Lorde that I want to use so I can start developing my piece.
With machine embroidery being my chosen form of media for this stage of development, I wanted to experiment with the different techniques and see how well a stitched illustration would work. This is a sketch I produced onto tracing paper, then machine embroidered over my sketch outline. I found that this technique works well if done carefully, however using tracing paper as the stock, I found that this was sustainable enough to create a detailed illustration using the sewing machine. 

Because of this problem I have decided to try it on a different stock. Instead I will stitch the same image onto plain a4 prating paper. 

This stock has definitely worked better, so for my final I will stitch the image on to plain paper. I will have to take care when stitching the smaller details such as lips and eyes, because they are so small they are more difficult to embroider. This work relates to my artists research, shown on the context blog. 

Now I have decided on what image I would want to stitch, I have started to sketch out the design. Below are the tracings for the drawing I will stitch. 

Below is a more detailed drawing of the image I will trace. 

I redrew this image of Lorde and started to stitch it on the machine. I feel like this technique works well, as the detailing is clear. This has been done in just plain black thread, I think that more colour needs to be added. 

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