Tuesday 1 March 2016

Interior Design - Development

Scanned pressed flowers (hand pressed)

Photographs of fresh flowers focusing on the bloom

For the prints, the majority of research has shown floral prints, mainly digital. Photographing a bouquet of flowers close up has created some really nice high quality close ups of the blooms and the petals. The fresh colours are also something to consider when designing. 

Once the photographs were taken and uploaded, Katy and I decided the quality of the images are good enough to work with straight away, Katy suggested to alter the photographs on photoshop to make them appear more digitally rendered so they don’t appear as just a flat photograph.

Taking the photography digital using the smudge tool, selecting certain parts of the photo and individual flowers in order to create a more hand rendered effect to the flower. Repeat this for as many flowers needed. 
Repeat patterns were made from the various digitally manipulated flowers

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