Monday 21 April 2014

End of module - Self Evaluation

Graphic Design Level 4
Design Principles
Jessica Wood

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Throughout this module, I have learnt various skills. I now have a greater knowledge of grid systems, and I feel that I am able to apply the correct grid system to a page and produce a successful layout. It has helped me start to inform my design decisions in more detail, rather than just playing around with the composition of text and image. Type anatomy is another significant topic that I have improved on, as I am now more aware of classification, origins, readability and legibility. 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Methods of design production such as planning have developed. When producing thumbnails for the final spreads, these helped inform my design development process as I was then able to create these thumbnails in a larger scale, which would be the exact scale of my final spreads.  It allowed me to work out exactly were my final content would be placed when creating these spreads.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

In my work I have noticed that I have developed my skill on layout design and the design development process  When it came to creating the final spreads, I found it much easier as the design development was more thorough than usual. When scaling up the thumbnails I have produce a lot of larger templates that helped me choose specific layouts and where I would place what content. My research is always prominent throughout my work, however within this module the skills I have learned about grid systems and layouts have really helped me to produce the final spreads of a better standard. The long process of design development, including scaling up my pages and decided where to put what content has made creating the spreads easier when starting to do them digitally on indesign. From this, I will try and keep this design development consistent throughout all of my future briefs. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

Within my work I feel that my analysis of my own work and other work isn't strong enough, in the future I will focus more on making sure a critical analysis when needed is present. Also, I could include more thorough research into certain aspects, for example when creating my layouts I have only included a small amount of gird and layout research, in the future I could develop this. 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1- when producing my own layouts, I had no feedback, and I think that in the future it will help if I gain feedback from peers to see if any design decisions could be altered to improve my own work
2- I will allow more time for blogging, and analysing my own work and recording this on the blog, this will give me a greater understanding
3- I will aim to manage my time more effectively and make sure some aspects are as strong as the rest
4- expand the type journal
5- try and explore more design ideas, and record more development on my blog. This will give me a broader range to work from

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