Tuesday 1 April 2014

Page Layout Research

Choosing the right grid and layout system is crucial for the success of your finished design. If you don't keep the layout and grid system consistent it will be impossible to achieve the same look throughout your project consistently, and without a layout grid, graphic elements will not properly work together. 

Examples of page layouts

The designs below show effective examples of page layout designs, in the first design, the focal point is the word in the centre. The page dividers help distinguish differences between each section clearly. With the second design, the main focal point is the 'O' in the centre, this is a good example of a page layout design. The colour scheme of body copy surrounding the focal point directs the readers attention in a systematic order, as we associate matching colours to be part of the same topic. For example if the texts are the same colour, it may suggest to the reader that they are talking about the same point. Colours help the eye distinguish differences more quickly. Overall these are a good set of layout designs, as they are clean cut, the design is not too overpowering, as they direct the readers eye successfully around the page. 

A good example of a layout design I have found, is by the designer Enzo Li Vitoli.
His designs focus on the layout and the typographical elements, making sure that each section of his design is precise and consistent. The simplistic layout design is very effective, and the use of the two column vertical grid allows the designer to produce a clean cut web page design. Even though this design is very simplistic, it is aesthetically pleasing, and the colours work well together. 

Other good examples of clean cut page layout designs are by the modernist designer Neville Brody. Brodys designs include the use of type and imagery. He uses a wide range of visual communication media, his layout designs, especially type are strong, as they get the message across efficiently. When working with page layout designs, it is important that imagery and type do not overpower one another. The type for the mastheads or headings need to be both bold and legible, therefore so it will not overpower the body copy. The colours are also a very significant element to consider when designing page layouts, as they have a major impact, colours can help distinguish the main story from the advertisements. Brodys designs are very effective, they keep the type simple as he uses only few font families to keep his designs consistent. The bottom image displays an interesting use of type and image, even though the image is very dominant within the design, the size of the type balances out the combination.

Below is a series of page layout designs I have found on 'Designspriration' http://designspiration.net/image/3771628676691/
I think that this series of designs below illustrate effective exampled of page layouts. I think the way the designer has used a two column vertical grid system works well for these designs as it keeps them simple considering there is quite a large amount of body copy. The way that the designer has included the imagery within the columns so the columns are prominent works well, as it the overall set of designs show consistency throughout. 

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