Thursday 17 April 2014

OUGD406 (Studio Brief 4) Layout development

Now I have decided on my final content, I need to work out what information is going to go where, I will do this by creating small thumbnail layouts to begin the design development. I have decided to create a5 booklet, with the three column vertical grid layout. I think this is the best format for my booklet as it will contain the information without overpowering each page, and it should have the correct balance of type and image.

These are the initial thumbnail designs for my page layouts, now I know the exact content for my booklet it will be easier to decide where things will go.

Contents and introduction pages and recipe pages

Recipe pages and healthy foods pages

Directions pages and notes pages

Time management pages and more notes pages

I have got two double pages for the students own notes, this gives my booklet a feature that will encourage students to keep the booklet handy, when developing my actual layouts I will place both the note double page spreads at the back of the booklet. This also gives my mini organiser a handy interactive feature. 
Now I am happy with the content and initial layout ideas, I will develop these further with more detailed sketches so that I will know how to lay them out when create the final spreads on indesign. 

Developed thumbnails:
These thumbnails show a clear guide as to how I will produce my layouts. In these developed sketches I have included the three columns and also the margins to get a better idea of where I should place my content and image. I have used a three column grid throughout the whole of my layout ideas, and when I have a large amount of body copy the title will remain in one column, but the rest will spread over two columns. 
For example on the recipe page sketch shown below, in the first column I have the ingredients, then spread across the second and third I have the instructions. If this layout is consistent throughout my whole booklet then the pages will look clean cut and well balanced. 

The note page spreads seen above will be repeated to give the student extra space for more notes.

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