Friday 28 November 2014

Initial Research

In order to complete this brief successfully, it is necessary to conduct some research on existing advertising campaigns and how they promote their business. Interactive elements are always beneficial within marketing and advertising, as interactive marketing can cast a net over a much wider audience at a much lower cost than traditional advertising. Within web design, creative and interactive advertising gets their users and viewers involved, which was one of my reasons for including a 'do it yourself' page on my website from the previous brief. Interactive elements allow the customer to become involved in a companies advertising campaign, instead of reading information that may not be taken in properly, or listening to a commercial/advert and not really making sense of it. I want my camping to tale a light hearted approach, something that is a bit more on the fun side. Which supports my idea to create something pub/bar related considering my whole website is about the individual bottle label designs.

Examples of existing interactive advertising campaigns;

Other advertising campaigns:
This advertising campaign is elegant and simple. The simple colour palette compliments the clean, sleek logo design and the way the brand promotes is business is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The packaging idea can be used for my advertising campaign, as this project is also advertising for the beverage market.

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