Friday 24 October 2014

Canons of page construction

Today we learnt about canons of page construction to help with the web design brief. Canons are systems, methods, or approaches to a particular practice. It refers to organising type and image on a page. 

The golden ratio: 

Definition: (term_ - The Golden Ratio is a term (with an astounding number of aliases, including Golden Section and Golden Mean) used to describe aesthetically pleasing proportioning within a piece. However, it is not merely a term --  it is an actual ratio.

We also looked at the Van De Graaf canon. We drew out our own examples of this in the session. From all the connecting points, a grid system like below is created. The outside must have the measurements of 2:3 to create the correct proportions within.

Using the De Graaf canon we then looked at the Muller-Brockman grid in the next canons of page construction. The first stages of this involve:
  1. Determine the type area by using the Van De Graaf canon.
  2. Divide the sections in to two or more columns, separate columns with an intervening gutter. 
  3. Divide the text columns into 2, 3, or more fields.
This shows a Muller-Brockman grid with four columns across a double page spread.

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