The golden ratio:
Definition: (term_ - The Golden Ratio is a term (with an astounding number of aliases, including Golden Section and Golden Mean) used to describe aesthetically pleasing proportioning within a piece. However, it is not merely a term -- it is an actual ratio.
We also looked at the Van De Graaf canon. We drew out our own examples of this in the session. From all the connecting points, a grid system like below is created. The outside must have the measurements of 2:3 to create the correct proportions within.
Using the De Graaf canon we then looked at the Muller-Brockman grid in the next canons of page construction. The first stages of this involve:
- Determine the type area by using the Van De Graaf canon.
- Divide the sections in to two or more columns, separate columns with an intervening gutter.
- Divide the text columns into 2, 3, or more fields.
This shows a Muller-Brockman grid with four columns across a double page spread.
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