Friday 24 October 2014

Research Into Web Design

In order for me to start designing my web page, it is crucial to research into how existing web pages look. I want my web pages to be aesthetically pleasing but still keep them quite simple, an over cluttered web page will be too confusing. The aim of an effective web page is to visually communicate information sufficiently, and have the understanding that others will view our designs in terms of relationships is a crucial part for effective web design. 

From my research at looking into different packaging designs for alcoholic beverages,  looked at one of my favourite design companies for this area, Stranger and Stranger. I found that their website was simple yet very aesthetically pleasing. 

The images above show the same home page just with different images. The homepage automatically switches to another image after a few seconds. Because the homepage is so simple, this element entices the viewer to continue viewing. The Stranger and Stranger website immediately displays their unique work, as each of these images are individual designs, which works exceptionally well in order for the company to display their work without the viewer having to search, this works well as a tool to get the viewer to continue to look at their web page.  

This image above shows the same website but a different page, I selected projects in the sidebar to navigate me to another page. The layouts of the each page are consistent throughout the whole site which enables the site to flow better. If each pages design were very different from one another then the site would not function as well as it does.

I also came across this project on behance, a web design for a diner/bar. I really like the style of this design, as the simple colour palette is very complimentary to the minimal style of design. The content of the web pages such as the menu has all been centralised, which gives each page a clean, simple yet pleasing aesthetic.  

Everything is centralised apart from the navigation bar at the left hand side. This does not draw away focus from the main content of the website. 

This site below remains simple yet very aesthetically pleasing, the simple colour scheme is also nice as they work well with the simplistic style of design.

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